Manchester United is about to allocate a lot of money to a player buyer and other sport news

Manchester United is about to allocate a lot of money to a player buyer and other sport news

                    Manchester United is about to allocate a lot of money to a player buyer 

The Manchester United Board has been set up to 70 million pounds to be assigned to the Dutch coach Eric Ten hag in January's transfer window, which he intends to execute additional purchases. It is known that the swords were able to sit in the fifth place of the table, while winning four games in a row after their worst Premier League start. The head of the Old Trafford Club is said to have been happy following the 52-year-old adult group's departure from the crisis and began to lead the right path. Following this, it is said that an additional transfer account is set to be assigned to a good transfer window so that the trainer can fill the gaps. (Beast Sports )

                                         Romelu Lukaku will soon return to the field 

The Belgium attacker on the damage is trying to get back to the field as soon as possible. Romelu Lukaku started a field practice and is working hard to get back to the game. The 29-year-old Belgian attacker started his race well under the leadership of Simon Inzagi, when he was angry or acting as an acid. But Romelo Lukaku has missed the last 6 games that have interfered with the muscle damage. Lukaku was able to resume his practice in the field under the supervision of intermediaries and is expected to return to inter-group practice after national games. 

                                                The French defender, Paul Kunde

The French defender, Paul Kunde Chelsea, announced that he had joined Barcelona following a talk with Catalan club coach Javi Hernandez. According to Kunde, who stayed with the country's print, "I first came to a great club, not a group that needs a different construction, and already has a complete structure. The club is going a new way and I'm even more attracted to it።Outside that, talking to Javi has been the biggest role of my decision።" kunde said. It is remembered that the defender was able to register at the Barcelona Football Club at the end of August. It means a month after joining the blueprints. Barcelona is known to be sitting in the second place following Madrid with 16 points in the opening six games. (Beast Sports )

                  Arsenal will be announced in North London after the International Brake 

When Arsenal returns from the national teams in the next 15 days, he starts his band in North London in October. If the Manchester City game had not been postponed, it would have played with Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool in a row and City in October. He has 5 Premier League and 4 Europa League in total 9 games in the month. Another crucial month for Arsenal - April is that it will make six Premier League games this month and is said to be announced with Manchester City from Chelsea and Liverpool. (Beast Sports )

                                  Robert Lewandowski "I'm comfortable with Barcelona"

Robert Lewandowski, who is playing with amazing talent in Barcelona, spoke about his time in the club. He said in a press release issued by the national group camp፦ "I feel good in Barcelona and I continue well in this group። I know it's not easy to get here but now I'm in Barcelona.  I know a few Spanish words, for example, how to order food at a restaurant." "New culture, places, cities, etc. are the things I have learned these few weeks። Here I have learned how Barcelona works and their leadership. These are definitely new and exciting experiences." "I feel comfortable with the bag not only because of the club but also because it has a good atmosphere. My teammates, club staff, etc. They all took care of me well። I felt like I was in the right place at the right time from the first days in Barcelona." "I have signed a contract with Barcelona and raised Morale's self-esteem. I am very proud of myself. I didn't expect Barcelona fans to start singing about me on camp. They make me feel like I've been with this group for a long time," he said. Polish Barcelona attacker Robert Lewandowski is currently in the national team camp and is preparing himself for the Nations League games. 

                                    The Arsenal attacker may be out of the Liverpool game 

Gabrel Jesus Arsenal may not be on Sunday, October 9 at the Emirates Stadium. Jesus saw four yellow cards during this competition, and one more card suspended the Brazilian for one game. It is estimated that Arsenal's next match with the city's competitor Tottenham could lead the player to be a victim. So if the attacker sees a card in the Tottenham game, it means that the Liverpool game will miss it.

                                       Paul Pogba is being protected by Italian police 

Paul Pogba is said to have been arrested by the police in Italy because of his brother. One video was released on social media last month, as Pog's brother Matthias Pog was about to die because of Paul. “ lied to the police ” and felt he tried to "look clean. Next, the statement released by Paul's name would say  “ Unfortunately, Matthias Pobar's recent social media articles are not surprised that they have long been tried to harm Paul Pogba." "The truth was reported to the Italian and French police a month ago and there will be no further comment on existing investigations." Reports on the weekend also indicate that Matthias was charged and arrested. Mathias' lawyer Yasin Boothru said: “ We are opposing this decision and we will do everything for Mr. Pogba to be released quickly. ” He said. Paul was also able to understand that this was his brother's case because of the reason for police protection in Italy.

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