The Qatar World Cup and the Covid.. and other sport news

The Qatar World Cup and the Covid.. and other sport news


                                             The Qatar World Cup and the Covid

On November 11, 2015, the rules of the Quarantine World Cup, which will make its start, have been announced. Accordingly 

√ All those who come to the end of the race must have a PCR test for more than six years.

√ Supporters over 18 years of age need to download the "Qatar Covid app" in their phone. 

                               Arahoho the chance to participate in the World Cup is narrow 

Uruguay is known to have been undergoing severe surgery by Barcelona's defenseman Ronald Arahoho. Ronald Arahoho said that the doctor who had surgery in Finland had asked them about the player's World Cup involvement፦"The recovery time of such damage is usually two and a half months (10 weeks), so Araho needs a special sacrifice to participate in the World Cup and some miraculous events."

                                                Eder Militao with a new contract 

Real Madrid is preparing all documents for the new contract for Elder Militao, and the new contract will remain until June 2028. The player has agreed verbally since July and is waiting for the club to continue the public communication process. Contract loss is expected to be €1B in the Real Madrid plan. 

                                                Tottenham player is in trouble 

When faced with Derby Arsenal in North London on Saturday for the Northern Club, the Swedish player Dejan Kulisevsky is said to be injured. kulisevsky is reported to have been suspicious of Saturday's game when he was reported to have had muscle damage during the national game. Dejan Kulisevsky, 22, was one of the best players in Antonio Conte, and scored one goal in seven league games and received three goal-to-go ball. 

                                                    The best coach of the month 

Italian Seria's best coach of the month was announced before minutes, while Udinese head coach Andrea Sotil was selected as the best of the month. Andrea Sottil led Inter Milan and Sassuolo, including Josie Mourinho's Rome, in his month's games. Udinese is ranked third in the Italian Seria's current rating table from the leader Napoli. Coach Andrea Sotil is said to receive their reward in advance from their game against Atlanta on September 29, 2015.

                                         PSG's crucial players are about to be punished

The PSGs, who are leading the French league, are said to be expecting three critical players to be punished in subsequent games. If you look at the yellow card in the next league program, Niamar, Sergio Ramos, and Gianluigi Daruma, it is reported that they will pass the next  schedule. 

                                         We have broken the contract with the sponsorship 

The North Club has announced that it has extended its contract with the armed supplier Adidas for more years. The club has been able to look at information shared by its social page that the sealing will remain in their new agreement until 2030. 

                                    Tottenham Hotspurs, have supported their new attacker

Tottenham Hotspurs, the Richmond Club, said they were standing next to the player. The Brazilian frontline player is remembered for his capture of racist attacks “ by throwing Tunisia on behalf of Brazil and winning 5-1. The Brazilian Football Federation has removed the issue and has shown its support to the player, and now the London Tottenham Hotspots have stopped alongside their players. “ We stand by the Richardson, expressing that we have been caught up in the shameful racist attack between the Brazilian and Tunisian game and that such action is not in place or anywhere.

                                                Benzema received the Pichichi Award 

Real Madrid attacker Karim Benzema was awarded the Liga Santander Pichichi, Alfredo de Stephano and the MVP Cup at the Marca Award last night. The French attacker received this award for the first time, and the award was awarded to a player who finished the Spanish league's top goal. Benzema does not forget to finish with 27 goals and 12 Asist in 32 games in the 2021/22 competition.

                                                    Arsenal and Douglas Lewis

Arsenal has been prepared to submit a transfer request to the average Douglas Lewis for the third time in the January transfer window. Spanish coach Michael Arteta is said to be following the despair of the repeated injuries of the demon average Thomas Partei. The Brazilian average of Villa will be completed by the end of the competition period, with the duration of the contract in the Steven & Bauerard Group. The two transfer requests submitted by the parties at the end of the transfer deadline are recalled to have been rejected by the Midland Club. It is not forgotten that the 24-year-old player has been repeatedly expressed as a desire to lead to the North Club. It is remembered that Lewis joined the 12.5 million Paddy Villa from Manchester City in 2019.

                               The Croatian Real Madrid player is far from the field !

The 37-year-old Middle Field, due to Dale's injuries, the Spanish Madrid Club has announced that it is out of the Liga Champions League games that Real Madrid will do. Croatia has been able to confirm the team's medical department, which has been hit by the five-time Champions League and Ballandor's terrorist, who has been in charge of the club in two games against Austria and Denmark. The Carlo Ancholti Collection recognizes that their middle-class heart has led the country to the development of a world of waves and that it has suffered from Modric's injury, which has led the country to the semi-finals of the Nights League. Real-time with Osasuna and Hetaf can miss three games against the Spanish league as well as the European Champions League F from Shakhtar Dorsetsk. It is said that the Croatian did not reach the Elkalco war with Barcelona in mid-October ።

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