England won the European Cup

England won the European Cup


                             Is Chelsea going to be different with the player ? 

The London club is said to be different from Spanish goalkeeper Kapa Arizalaga. Kepa Arizalaga is reported to be in talks with the club's club Napoli to separate from Chelsea. It is said that negotiations between Chelsea and Napoli will continue to be strengthened and will be agreed in the coming days . Kepa, who has little chance of playing under Frank Lampard and Thomas Tuhel, is waiting for Edward Mendy. Kepa had the opportunity to attend coach Thomas Tuhel during the final year of the competition.

                                " It's one of the best attackers in the world " 

After coming from Manchester to North London, Gabrell, who is showing his good fortune, has appreciated the Jesus from his team. It is also remembered that the Brazilian attacker Jesus worked on the side after joining the bandits and worked on Hittrick yesterday. In his comments after the game, "Jesus is one of the world's best attackers," said Gabrell Martini, who said, "I'm happy to play with him, and I hope I'll hug many balls.

                                       We have signed more player 

It is said that the North Club Arsenal has been set up to sign a midfield player before the winter transfer window ends. It is reported that the seams may differ with their three players in advance from losing a new player to their collection. Yuri Telemines is a swear-in-field player who can come to the seams, and the player is still on the list of new signers. In addition to the telemines, Ed Gassper is a Brazilian Lucas Pucuita, but has been reported to have not made a public request so far. It is known that Lucas Torreira, Pablo Marie, and Florence Balag should be reduced from the group to bring a new signer to the group.

                                    England won the European Cup

European women have confirmed that they have won the competition by helping Germany win the final program. England has won eight-time German winners, scoring his winning goals in Ella Tun and Kelly. He has been registered as a record of the European Women's Competition when he tracked the final program of the 87,192 audience. It has been the first time in history when the British Women's National Team won the European Cup.

                                       " I have great faith in him " 

The player said he had a strong belief in Osman Dembele, as he agreed to stay at Barcelona for more years." I have a great faith in him," said Javi "I don't know what to say about Dembele, it has made a difference since the time I came here. We want to look at it as a different creator in all games, not to see his qualifications on many players, "Jovi said.

                              " My choice was from Barcelona first "

The official signature ceremony, which was joined by coach Javi Hernandez, a few days ago, said at the official signature ceremony that the election was in Barcelona. " My choice was from Barcelona first," Kunday Ayazam "I wanted another club, it's true, but I waited for Barcelona and Sylvia to reach agreement.

                                  " They must hire a psychologist " 

Former head coach of the PGG and Tottenham urged the groups facing the PIC and Tottenham to hire a psychologist. According to the Mariosio Pochettino Comment “ The teams playing with Real Madrid in the European Championship League should all hire a psychologist. 

                             Chelsea started talking to sign a player 

It is reported that London club Chelsea have begun to sign the left-hand side of the Brenton, Mark Kukra . Although there is no agreement between the two clubs now, negotiations are said to continue . The 24-year-old Cuclilla was one of the players who were strictly required by the Manchester City.

                                       Fabrigas has led to a new club 

The Spanish former Barcelona, Arsenal and Chelsea have been named to a new club after separating the Mahal Field player, Sesk Fabrigas, with Monaco. Fabrigas has been announced for his decision to close the 2024 competition year for the Como Football Club, which is competing in St. B. 

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