today sport news chealse , barcelona , juventus...

today sport news chealse , barcelona , juventus...


                                            Chelsea announced the second signer

Kalidu Culibali has been able to become a second player who has officially joined Chelsea in the winter transfer window. Defendant Khalid Kulibali agreed to stay at Stanford Bridge for four years when he completed his transfer from Napolei to Chelsea. The Chelsea defense unit, which lost Anthony Rudger and Christian, is expected to strengthen its signing by Khalid Kulibaki. " I'm so happy to join Chelsea," said Khalid Culibali, "My dream is to play in the Premier League, and Chelsea is the world's largest club.

                                Barcelona agreed to sign Lwandowski

The Catalan club Barcelona has agreed to sign Polish attacker Robert Lwandowski from Bayer Munich . The 33-year-old frontline attacker is expected to sign a four-year contract that will be held in Barcelona . Barcelona are one of the most sought after clubs in the winter transfer window, and it is reported that they spend forty-five million euros for transfer. Lwandowski was able to raise 344 goals in his 375 games in Bay Munich.

                               Paulo Diabala is about to continue to Rome

Argentine frontline player Paulo Diabala is reported to have reached the edge to complete his transfer to Rome. Paulo Diabala, 28, is said to have arrived in the diocese of Portugal, where they are preparing for the group of Josie Mourinho. Paulo DiBala, who ended his contract with Juntus, is believed to announce that he will join Roman for free in the coming hours. Paulo Diabala is expected to be the fourth sign of the winter, following the time of the Romanian Matich, Selic, and Swillar.

                             Juventus officially signed a player 

Juvenutus announced that twenty-five-year-old Brazilian center-back Gleason Bremer had officially signed it from Torino. On yesterday, the Juntuists, who delivered Matthias D. on the Bay of Munich, signed Gleason Bremer, who played in the same place minutes ago. It is said that nine million euros will be added to the next time they pay forty-one million euros for the transfer. The player will be paid five million euros annually when the player signs a five-year contract that will last up to the French 2027. When Chelsea and Tottenham were said to want to sign the center-back at Torino, the blue ones have been closely monitoring the player's situation. Gleason Bremer, however, was the other Turin Club Juvenutus, and he successfully passed the medical examination a few hours ago and joined the Maximiliano Algrin group.

                    Mathias D. Lieut has made his signature for Bayer Munich

German champions Bayer Munich have officially signed the Juventus Matthias D. Ten million euros will be added to the future when Munich pays for the transfer of Munich for the first time. The twenty-two-year-old Dutch center defense has been signed by the club for the next five years. Matthias D. Lintt has won the Italian Seri A, Copa Italy and the Italian Superstar Cup after joining the Jutts in Aix Amsterdam three years ago.It is said that the Bair Muniks have used the 50 million euros they received from the sale of Lewandowski. Bayer Munich will not forget to sign the transfer window, Sadio Mane, Ivan Gravenberg, and Mazr.

                                     " We have a big group set " 

The head coach of the rally was impressed by Michael Arteta's comments that there would be players leaving the group in the transfer window. " We have a big group set," said Michael Arteta, who has to talk with players who are going out and play players who don't play.

                            Manchester City's transfer request was rejected

Manchester City, led by coach Pep, announced the rejection of the transfer request for the Brazilian Mark Kukurela. Manchester City have agreed to sell Zinchenko to Arsen, but has provided a 30 million-pound transfer account for Bryant, but has been rejected. When the negotiations are in the early stages, more things are expected in the coming days. It is said that Manchester City will be struggling with the transfer if they do not receive less than 50 million pounds if they do not receive the transfer account they have provided.

                        " We are doing our best to return to the old Barcelona "

Barcelona's new signer, Polish frontline attacker Robert Lwandowski, commented during the official tradition. " My name is Robert Lwandowski, my generation is Poland, my life is Barcelona," he said, and the last few days have been unique. " As an attacker, my goal is to score and help the team win, I want to get involved in the next game and I'm eager to score for victory and goal. I am very happy to be Barcelona, and I am ready to be part of this great club, "Robert Lwandowski said. "Robert Lwandowski has made a great effort to come to Barcelona, and I am grateful to the club's officials Mathieu Almani and Jordi Kreefa for this transfer. We are doing our best to return to Barcelona, and I would like to thank all the parties involved in this work. "Uhan Laporta is highlighted.

                                   Jessie Lingard's next landing is known

Former Manchester United player Jessie Lingard has been signed for a one-year contract for Nottingham Forrest. Jessie Lingard, 29, is reportedly planning to Germany for pre-race preparation when he is announced that he has completed his medical examination. Nottingham Forrest will be making their game against Union Berlin on Saturday.

                                      Paulo Dibala and Francisco Totte ! 

The Argentine new Roman signer Paulo Diabala is said to have been released by the Italian club, "Ten Number" to be worn by Rome, but has not been accepted. For the past several decades, the club's historic player, Francisco Toto, has been dressed and has been said to have refused to accept the request from his honor in Paulo Diabala. " I know what Malia means for the city and the sponsor's ten number," said Paulo DiBala, "I think this number should be his, I might wear it one day. Paulo Diabala wears twenty-one numbers in the Roman house, which was already occupied by the Romanian Match, but we see the player's volunteer Diabla in the new Malaya number "21. 

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